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Saw you today speaking on the climate agenda with Gina….Still spewing the same ol malarkey. Two old folks that helped destroy the environment from years gone bye now want to be the saviors…Too funny. Are you giving up your cars and planes etc?. My brother and his wife live close to me and there a fields of solar panels is their electric bill going down no it just went up.. Hey genius, do you know what solar panels are made of?. I watched you tonight sounding like you did with Onama. Will you old fools retire and let markets work naturally rather than acting like a feeble puppeteer.. Welcome to the dictatorship of biden. Where science only counts when it pushes their agenda otherwise science is ignored. Where higher taxes will pay for these forced federally mandated programs, where jobs are erased and given to foreigners. Where dirt, plants, animals, foreigners are put before American citizens. Personalized One book leads to another tumbler

Personalized One book leads to another tumbler

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You’re a clown that should be in Gitmo along with your stepson and the Biden mafia.. You preach climate change but own a private jet, don’t throw rocks when you live in a glass house. Practice what you preach or quit telling people how to live their lives.. John, you go get a job making solar panels! It’s time you go sit in the porch swing and shut up.. Okay, if an asteroid strike in Yucatan Peninsula that change our climate/environment, had the ice age, the little ice age, warmer temperatures during in the Roman era, the Sahara Desert contained the world’s largest lake named Mega Chad that is now gone caused by a drought that lasted many years in 850 AD, and the US we had the dustbowl in the 30s. There’s still a great debate over whether CO2 causes warming or cooling of the climate….and you’re telling me with less people all this happened…and now you’re saying people and fossil fuels are causing climate change???? What a crock! Personalized One book leads to another tumbler Solar power is supposed to make a difference when it requires a toxic process to makes that’s worse than fossil fuels, and in 10 to 20 years you have dispose of the toxic remanence including cadmium telluride, copper indium selenide, cadmium gallium (di)selenide, copper indium gallium (di)selenide, hexafluoroethane, lead, and polyvinyl fluoride. Not including the battery storage that also contributes lead or cadmium waste.

Personalized One book leads to another tumbler

Senator John Kerry are you american or have you been bought and sold?. You SOLD OUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!! Shame on you!!! You siding with the RADICAL LEFT IS DISGUSTING AND UNAMERICAN!! You sold your soul to SATAN!! Shame on you!! Are you going to help the Americans out that you have put out of a job who have families to feed in your multi million dollar house and your million dollar jets????. John Kerry has flown around the world on his private jet adding more to the detriment of the climate than perhaps anyone but has made an extremely good living selling promises like a snake oil salesman. With incompetent Joe Biden, Kerry is selling solar panels for China’s enrichment at the same time attempting to make America dependent on foreign energy suppliers. Joe says he will put a priority on buying America products but does the exact opposite, is it because of his families’ enrichment in China deals by his brother and his son Hunter (who has a grand jury investigation for his actions)? Joe is trying to buy China’s silence with taxpayer money and only John Kerry benefits along with Joe’s family! Really Joe, you cancel high paying jobs and America’s energy independence and promise some jobs at some indefinite time in the future with increase taxpayer debt and taxes!!